Muslim organisations call for Karnataka Bandh to protest against HC verdict on Hijab

Editorial Comment

Religious fanatics not only unite, but also take steps for concrete action. However, Hindus do not unite even when their Dharma is criticised, leave alone attacked !

Many Muslim organisations in Karnataka called for State Bandh on 17th March over the High Court’s Hijab decision. Maulana Sagir Ahmad Khan Rashadi of Ameer-E-Shariat Karnataka called for a Bandh. Shariat is the head of all Muslim organisations in Karnataka that has expressed sadness over the Court’s decision.

In a video message Rashadi said, “I request all the Muslims to listen to the order read out here attentively and implement it strictly. Expressing our anger against the sad order of the Karnataka High Court regarding Hijab on 17th March there will be a complete Bandh across the Karnataka for the entire day”. He appealed to every section of the Muslim community to participate in the Bandh.

Holding that Hijab was not part of the ‘essential religious practice’ in Islamic faith, the Karnataka High Court upheld the State Government’s ban on wearing the headscarf in educational institutions that had triggered protests by Muslim girl students and also a tense Hijab-versus-saffron scarf row.

The Supreme Court on 16th March, however, agreed to list for hearing after Holi vacation the pleas challenging the Karnataka High Court verdict which dismissed the petitions seeking permission to wear Hijab inside the classroom.