Muslims can never become a majority in India – Congress MP Digvijay Singh

Editorial comments

  • Historically, Muslims were never a majority population in this country earlier, even then they ruled over this country for 500 years and inordinately oppressed Hindus. Even now, although the religious fanatics are not in majority, an increase to 30-40% of their population, Hindus feel that they will be dangerous for this country, considering the condition of Hindus in Kashmir. Will Digvijay Singh say anything about it ?
  • In 1947, 24% of Muslims forced India’s division and created Pakistan; therefore, even if they are not majority today, can we be sure that they would not again divide already divided India ? Realise that Digvijay Singh will never talk about such issues.
  • Many Districts and Talukas in the country now have Muslims as a majority population. The local Hindus are pressured to convert or they are forced to leave. Will Digvijay Singh talk about these things ?

New Delhi – In the next ten years, Muslims will become a majority population from being a minority because of their polygamous system and the present majority population will become a minority is wrong propaganda. I challenge RSS ‘Sarsanghchalak’ Dr Mohan Bhagawat that he should come forth and have discussions on this topic on a public forum. I will prove to him that Muslims can never become a majority population in this country. The above challenge was given by Digvijay Singh, a Congress MP of Upper House while addressing a joint conference called ‘Sampradayik Sadbhav Parishad’ held at Delhi by Congress and Communist parties and labour organisations. (Realise that according to the secularists and progressive factions, thrashing Hindus and pampering Muslims is communal harmony. – Editor)

Digvijay Singh further said,

1. The birth rate of Muslims is reducing in this country. In this period of severe inflation, it is difficult for an ordinary person to bring up children born of one wife. In such a case, will any Muslim be able to have 4 wives and raise children from them ? (Despite knowing this fact, the picture we see is that the Muslims have 4 wives and give birth to several children to make India an Islamic country; these children later turn towards crime. The minority is the majority when it comes to committing crimes ! Will Digvijay Singh say anything on this matter ? – Editor)

2. On one hand, RSS activists talk venomously, and on the other, RSS Chief Bhagavat says, the DNA of Muslims and Hindus is the same. If both have the same DNA, then why is communal hatred spread ? Where is the need for issues like love jihad ? (Hindu and Muslims may have the same DNA, but the teachings imparted to them are different. Their Holy scriptures and ‘Dharmagurus’ are different. The whole world knows that communal hatred is being spread and everyone knows who is spreading it. – Editor)

3. The British policy of ‘Divide and Rule’ is followed in India to divide Hindus and Muslims by misleading them. (India was divided based on the population of Hindus and Muslims, and it was accepted by the same Congress Party of Digvijay Singh. Why is Digvijay Singh forgetting that only because of the Congress, Muslims remained in India instead of going to Pakistan ? – Editor)