SC’s decision to grant alimony to divorced Muslim women is wrong : All India Muslim Personal Law Board

Board opined that providing alimony to divorced women is against Sharia law

New Delhi – The All India Muslim Personal Law Board has stated that the Supreme Court’s decision to grant alimony to divorced Muslim women is wrong. The board’s executive committee convened a meeting to discuss this ruling. It was decided in the meeting that ‘Granting alimony to divorced women is against the Sharia law. Therefore, all possible measures will be taken for the withdrawal of this decision by the Supreme Court.’

Court’s decision will create more problems for women : Muslim Board

The Muslim Personal Law Board highlighted that Prophet Muhammad had called the divorce as the most detestable thing. Therefore, all legal measures should be taken to preserve marital relationships. The guidelines provided in the Quran should be followed regarding this matter. If maintaining a marital relationship becomes untenable, divorce can be seen as a ‘human solution.’ The board’s resolution states that the Supreme Court’s decision will create more problems for women who have successfully come out of painful relationships.

What is the Supreme Court’s order ?

On 10thJuly, the Supreme Court ruled that, ‘A divorced Muslim woman is entitled to alimony from her husband under Section 125 of the Indian Civil Protection Code. She can file a petition for it.’ The bench of Justice B V Nagarathana and Justice Augustine George Masih issued this order while dismissing the petition of a Muslim man named Muhammed Abdul Samad. The Supreme Court also stated that this decision would be applicable to women across religions.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Note that Muslims and their Islamic organisations do not accept Indian laws and Court decisions. What can you expect in terms of societal welfare and national progress from such a community ?
  • Establish Hindu Rashtra in India before Muslims establish their parallel justice system here.
  • Hindus are always preached to follow the laws and rules. They are threatened with legal consequences. On the other hand, no one speaks against Islamic organisations that insult Supreme Court orders.
  • Why are the Pro-Women organisations silent on this anti-women stance of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board ?
  • Divorced Muslim women suffer immensely without alimony. Therefore, the Court’s decision to grant them alimony will bring financial stability to their lives. Given this, note how ridiculous is the board’s stance.