Hindu youth stabbed by fanatical Muslims for resisting sister’s molestation in Gwalior, MP

Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) – A Hindu youth was stabbed by Muslim youths for resisting the molestation of his sister. The victim’s name is Saurabh Yadav, and he is currently undergoing treatment in a hospital. The accused are named Salman, Mubarik, Imran, and Sameer Khan. The police have arrested Salman and Imran, while Mubarik and Sameer Khan are absconding, and a search for them is ongoing.

1. Balkishan Yadav runs a grocery shop in the Harikotasheer area. Balkishan was present at the shop with his daughter when Salman, Imran, Mubarik, and Sameer Khan arrived. All of them reside in the Muslim-majority area of Apganj. They molested Balkishan’s daughter, and when she resisted, the four started beating her. When Balkishan tried to stop them, he was also beaten. Balkishan’s son, Saurabh, reached the shop and was stabbed by the accused for resisting the assault.

2. Vasant Godyale, an official of the ‘Hindu Jagaran Manch’, stated that Sameer Khan, one of the four accused, has previously served a prison sentence for molesting and assaulting a Hindu girl. (Religious fanatics who engage in acts like molesting Hindu girls, deceiving them through ‘Love Jihad’, and raping them, continue to do so due to the lack of strict punishment! – Editor)

3. In protest against the attack on Saurabh Yadav, Vasant Godyale and his colleagues demanded action at the police station, but they received death threats from fanatics.

Editorial Perspectives

  • A question arises in the minds of Hindus that despite BJP’s long-serving government in Madhya Pradesh, how do religious fanatics dare to commit such acts against Hindus ?
  • These fanatics have become arrogant due to the lack of police and administrative control. This situation is dangerous for Hindus !
  • Where are those who claim ‘Muslims are unsafe in India’ hiding now ?