Muhammed Y sentenced to 101 years in jail for raping his own daughter

Muslim man sentenced to 101 years in jail for raping his own daughter. (Credit – OpIndia)

Thiruvananthapuram – A Kerala Court has sentenced a Muslim man named Muhammed Y to 101 years in prison for raping his daughter. Muhammed Y had been sexually abusing his daughter for about 6 years. As a result, the minor girl became pregnant. After investigating the matter, the Police presented the evidence against Muhammed Y in the Court. The Court convicted the accused and sentenced him to 101 years jail time.

The age of the victim girl was 16 years when the crime was registered. When the victim was 10 years old, her father Muhammed Y started raping her. The case came to light after the victim became pregnant at the age of 16. The Police investigation also revealed that after the rape, Muhammed Y used to tell his victim daughter that he could engage in physical relations only before Ramazan. The Police submitted the victim’s statement and several other pieces of evidence to the Court. The District Court, taking into account all the evidence, sentenced Muhammed Y. Commenting on the matter, the Court said that the accused did not deserve any kind of mercy. (Note: The name of the accused father has been changed to avoid revealing the identity of the victim).

Editorial Perspective

Animals who obey natural laws are better than such perverted humans.