Recognise the aggressors who attack our culture and oppose them : Abhijeet Joag, Managing Director, Pratisaad Communications

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 –  Intellectual Movement for Hindu Rashtra

Abhijeet Joag, Managing Director, Pratisaad Communications

Ramnath Devasthan – History and education have been dominated by communists since independence. Breaking up India has been the policy of the Communists. They destroyed history and education to divide India. After these efforts failed in 2014, they started targeting Hindu culture. Dharma, nationalism, and the education system are the basis of culture. So an attempt was made to destroy them. If our culture is destroyed, we will cease to exist. So this attack needs to be understood. For this, one should recognise the masks they wear and fight them. In the end victory will be ours, asserted Mr Abhijeet Joag (Managing Director of Pratisaad Communications). He was addressing the audience on the fourth day of the Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) here.

He further said, “In order to rule India for a long time, they tried to destroy the confidence and self-respect of Indians by destroying the culture. For that they tried to destroy our education and erase history. Gurukuls, which were already in operation, were closed down and the English education system was introduced. As a result, most of the people in India became illiterate. Along with this, they introduced falsehoods into the history of India, and claimed that the caste system that was Karma based is a birth based caste system. As a result the Macaulayputras (ideological sons of Lord Macaulay) and the Marxists collaborated to try and destroy India’s self-respect.”