India witnessing dangerous trend of glorification of transgenders : Neeraj Atri, Vivekananda Karya Samiti

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 – Intellectual Movement for Hindu Rashtra

Neeraj Atri, President, Vivekananda Karya Samiti, Panchkula, Haryana

Gender reassignment surgeries cannot change one’s state of mind. This turns life for such people into hell. But propaganda machinery shows this is modernity. Once a person undergoes gender reassignment, it cannot be reversed. This has ruined the lives of hundreds abroad. Even in India, the youth are being targeted with this. Such characters are deliberately inserted into movies and glorified. Health insurance in the form of Ayushman Bharat TG Plus is available for Transgender persons inclusive of gender re-affirmation surgery (for which up to ₹5 lakhs will be provided) in the health benefit package under Ayushman Bharat Yojana run by the Government of India. There is a huge medical lobby behind this.

In the USA, college age students can take the decision to change their gender. Their parents cannot interfere in this. This has started in India also under the name of health insurance. Some officials in the administration are encouraging it. It is being officially disseminated from the Union Government’s Women and Child Welfare Department website. Gender reassignment of a boy to a girl or a girl to a boy is now a Wokeism that is prevalent in the west and now is proliferating in India too. This is extremely dangerous, said Neeraj Atri (President, Vivekananda Karya Samiti). He was speaking on the national threat posed by wokeism.