Attracting youth to serve Dharma through temple cleaning activities : Chakravarti Sulibele

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 3 : Anti-India Forces

Chakravarti Sulibele, Founder President, Yuva Brigade, Karnataka

Ramnath Devasthan, Goa – To attract the youth, we composed songs that awaken patriotism and played them in colleges. Many youth started participating in nation building activities. We also played such songs in the villages with devout Hindus. This led to increased unity among Hindus. We undertook a campaign to clean Temple ponds in Karnataka, and over 250 lakes were cleaned. This increased the faith of the devotees coming to the temple. In the next phase we took up a river cleaning drive. 9-10 rivers in Karnataka were cleaned under this programme. Local Hindus also participated in cleaning the rivers. Aarti was performed there after the rivers became clean. At present, Aarti is held annually on 5-6 riverbanks in Karnataka. These rivers are now being cleaned by local Hindus. After this we started cleaning the temples. This temple cleaning drive attracted many new youth to the service of Dharma. We organised a meeting called ‘Mai Hu Hindu’ (I am a Hindu) in the area of a leader who regularly criticizes Hindu Dharma. Thousands of Hindus gathered in this meeting, said Chakravarti Sulibele (Founder President, Yuva Brigade, Karnataka). He was speaking on attracting the youth to the mission of Hindutva.