Domes and minarets being removed from the mosques in China : Pak citizens enraged, criticise their Government

Had this happened in India or any other country, there would have been a huge outcry : Pak citizens

Islamabad (Pakistan) – There is not a single mosque left in China that retains its original Arabic style. The domes and minarets of the last major mosque in China have been removed, transforming the building’s architecture from Arabic to Chinese. These changes are part of the Chinese Government’s campaign to Sinicise mosques across the country. After pictures of mosques without minarets surfaced, Pakistani YouTuber Sana Amjad spoke with local people, who expressed their anger over China’s actions. They criticised that if such changes had happened in India or any other country, it would have caused an uproar.

Regarding the question about mosque transformations in China, Pakistani citizen Ghazanfar said that this has happened in China, but since it has not been shown in the news, he was not fully aware of it. He pointed out that if this had happened in India or any other part of the world, Pakistanis, especially religious leaders, would have raised a huge outcry. The reason for the silence on this issue is the very special relationship between Pakistan and China. Perhaps now China is the only country in the world that Pakistan still somewhat trusts. Given China’s significant support to Pakistan, it seems that both the Pakistani public and the Government are inclined to let things be.

The Chinese Government does not let anything come out in the open

Engineer Osama said that this is not new for the people in China, where the Government tries to make everything uniform. They want everyone to think the same way, and whether it is mosques or anything else, all structures should look the same. The Chinese Government’s policy is to prevent news from coming out.

Pakistan faces a threat from China, not India

Sardar Ahmed, a student at Punjab University in Pakistan, said that the Pakistani media, which receives financial aid from China, will not report this news and will remain silent. He suggested that China could be considered Pakistan’s real enemy, as the Chinese are profiting from Pakistan’s resources. India is not a threat to Pakistan. Instead, the real danger to Pakistan comes from China.

China is neither for its own Muslims, nor for other Muslims

Rashid said that an atmosphere of hatred against India is being created in the country, but what good will come of it ? Pakistan benefits from its relationship with India, but it aims to get closer to China. Historically, China cannot be trusted; it does not stand by its own Muslims, nor those of neighbouring countries.

Editorial Perspectives

  • Why are the rulers of Pakistan not as enraged as the citizens of Pakistan ? Why are the rulers of Pakistan, who otherwise criticise India on issues of Islam, silent now ?
  • Why are Muslims in India silent about this act of China ? What kind of friendship do they have with China ?
  • As China dominates in economic and military power, no Islamic country in the world opens its mouth against its bullying; but they accuse India regarding the security of Muslims.