Meteorological department predicts 106% rainfall this year

Possibility of monsoon arriving in Kerala on 31st May

New Delhi – As per the IMO (Indian Meteorological Department) the Indian monsoon is set to arrive on 31st May, hitting the Kerala coast in the Southwest first. The department also stated that a model error of plus/minus four days may be observed. This means monsoon rains can arrive in Kerala anytime between 28th May to 3rd June. In 2024, It may rain 106% of the average, i.e., 87 cm, of which 86.6 cm could be in the four monsoon months.

1. The Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal islands are likely to receive rain this year two days earlier than usual, i.e. on 19th May.

2. There are two types of climates ‘El Nino’ and ‘La Nina’. IMD has forecast rainfall of 106% of the long-term average, driven by the La Nina conditions. La Nina, the opposite of El Nino, which is the warming of Pacific waters with drier conditions over the Indian subcontinent, is characterised by cold temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. Last year the El Nino weather pattern delivered the driest August in more than a century. This year the situation of El Nino is over, and the situation of La Nina may arise in 3-5 weeks.

3. In El Nino the sea temperature increases by three to four degrees. Its effect is felt twice in ten years. This is the result of global warming. This effect results in less rainfall in areas with high rainfall and more rainfall in areas with low rainfall.

4. On the other hand, during La Nina, the sea water cools rapidly. It affects the climate around the world. The sky becomes cloudy and it rains heavily.