RSS office in Mathura Vandalised by religious fanatics

Hindus feel that in a State ruled by the BJP, the fanatics should not have the audacity to indulge in vandalism.

Mathura (UP) – After a theft in the RSS office here, a mob of 40-50 religious fanatics attacked and damaged the office. In the incident, 2 Swayamsevaks were injured, 3 people taken into custody, and 2 Policemen have been suspended. Women outnumbered the men among the attackers.

The Police said that material being used for the ongoing construction work in the office was kept outside the office. Chand Babu of Azampur was caught red-handed stealing this material, he was released after a few hours.

The same evening, a crowd of 40-50 people attacked the RSS office and caused damage. (Note the arrogant behaviour of the fanatics. – Editor)

On receiving information about the attack, officials of RSS and the BJP reached the spot and informed the Police about the incident.