In Uttar Pradesh, it will be mandatory for every food outlet to display the name of the owner

  • Commendable decision by Yogi Adityanath

  • CCTV must be installed, and the employees must wear mask and gloves

  • Inquiry has been ordered into shops, dhabas, hotels and restaurants

Lucknow (UP) – In UP, it has become mandatory for all food shops, dhabas, hotels and restaurants. to display the names of the owner and the manager. Yogi Adityanath has ordered strict action against those who use human waste (spit, urine, etc.) and other filthy items to adulterate food. This decision has been taken in the wake of various such incidents that occurred lately.

In a high-level meeting, the Chief Minister has ordered inquiry and asked verification of all hotels, dhabas, restaurants, the associated establishments, and the employees. He has also given suggestions to make modifications in the safety guidelines as per the requirement of public health.

Juice, pulses and bread mixed with human waste is detestable and unacceptable. He asserted. He has also suggested necessary amendments in the ‘Food Safety and Standard’ Act to ensure authenticity and purity of food items.

It will be mandatory to display the name and address of the Directors, Owners and Managers, etc. of the hotels, dhabas, and restaurants where food is served. Be it cook or waiter, everyone must wear mask and gloves. CCTV will also be mandatory.

Editorial Perspective

UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath can take such decisions, why the Chief Ministers in other States do not take such decisions ? Are they not concerned about public health ?