A 16-year-old girl in Afghanistan shot down terrorists for killing her parents

Took revenge of the killing of parents at that spot only : Appreciation from all over the world

This 16-year-old girl has shown that this is the way to eliminate the terrorism. This also goes to show how badly it is needed to train the people in the terrorism-affected countries to root out terrorism.

Kabul (Afghanistan) – A 16-year-old Afghan girl Qamar Gul shot dead three Taliban terrorists with her family’s AK-47 assault rifle to avenge the killing of her parents for being supporters of the Afghanistan government.

As per a report in The Guardian, 40 Taliban terrorists stormed into the village of Geriveh, in central Ghor province in the dead of the night on 17 July and knocked on the doors of Gul’s house. Her mother went to the door and suddenly realised the presence of armed men who opened fire and shot her dead. The terrorists then barged into Gul’s house and killed her father. Gul who witnessed the murder of her parents decided to fight back and picked up her family AK-47 rifle and spewed bullets on the terrorists killing three.

She then began an hour-long gun battle with the remaining terrorists with the help of her 12-year-old brother and injured several other terrorists in the process. Subsequently help arrived in the form of pro-government fighters and fellow villagers who forced the terrorists to flee. Gul and her brother have now been taken to a safe house in the provincial capital. The siblings are now in better condition after having recovered from the initial shock.

Their actions drew appreciation from President Ashraf Ghani in a cabinet meeting, as well as an invitation for the pair to visit the presidential palace. A photograph of Qamar wearing a headscarf with an AK-47 in her lap was shared widely on social media over the past few days with people praising her act of bravery.