I come to India because I get everything, home, family, culture in India

Statement of Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s 9-year-old daughter

Anushka, daughter of Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

London (Britain) – I like to come to India because I get everything here, home, family, culture, said Anushka, a 9-year-old daughter of Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. She had come here to participate in ‘Kuchipudi Dance Festival_Rang 2022’. She uttered this statement while answering the questions of journalists. 100 artists ranging from age 4 to 85 years from all over the world have participated in this festival.

Dance relieves anxiety and tension

Anushka said that she liked Kuchipudi and other dance forms; when they danced they were relieved from anxiety and tension while dancing energetically with their friends.