Religious fanatic poured petrol and set fire to a Hindu youth in Garhwa (Jharkhand)

Garhwa (Jharkhand) – An incident was reported in Banshidhar Nagar, a Hindu youth Deepak Soni was set on fire after dousing him with petrol, by Kasamuddin Ansari. This incident happened in Chitvishram village within the jursdiction of Untari  Police station.  Soni has serious burn injuries. He has been admitted to the hospital for treatment. Police are searching for Ansari.

The victim Deepak Soni said, ‘near my house Kasamuddin Ansari and another person were fighting. then I tried to mediate and stop the fight. The accused sells petrol. When I asked why are you fighting ? He said are you my master ? and started abusing me. Then he brought petrol and threw it on me and set me on fire.’

Editorial viewpoint

A few days back in Jharkhand a Muslim youth killed a Hindu girl by setting her on fire. This case was still fresh in the minds of people and a similar incident happens again; then it shows that Jharkhand has become Pakistan for the Hindus. The State’s Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Government is responsible for this.